Friday, September 27, 2024

The Urgent Need for More ALS Funding: Why Every Dollar Counts

I ask many of you to contribute to many of my ALS causes, whether helping ALS families through the Kerry and Gary Challenge or donating to ALS research. Here’s why my asks are so very important:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that has left too many families in heartbreak, too many patients without hope, and too many researchers struggling to find the answers that could save lives. Despite being first identified over a century ago, ALS remains a devastating and fatal condition with no known cure and only limited treatment options. While progress has been made, the pace of discovery is not fast enough—and that’s why we urgently need more funding for ALS.


 ALS: A Relentless Disease

ALS, often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, affects the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, leading to progressive muscle weakness, paralysis, and eventually death, usually within 3 to 5 years of diagnosis. Like me, this cruel disease robs people of their ability to walk, talk, eat, and breathe, yet their minds remain fully intact. Imagine being trapped in a body that no longer responds while your mind stays sharp and aware. This is the brutal reality for me and ALS patients.

For most, the onset is sudden and the progression swift, leaving little time for patients and their families to adjust to the life-changing impact of the diagnosis. Within 6 months, I couldn’t walk and was in a wheelchair. Within 2 years I couldn’t breathe, eat or swallow, speak, and was on a ventilator 24/7. So, my progression was very fast! With only two FDA-approved drugs that can modestly slow disease progression in some cases, patients and families are often left with little more than hope that research will soon deliver new treatments.


 Why More Funding Is Critical

The science of ALS is complex, and while researchers are making strides, we are still far from a cure. Only a fraction of the necessary research projects are being funded due to limited resources. Without enough funding, we can’t move fast enough to discover the causes, identify biomarkers, or test new treatments in clinical trials. Here's why more funding is absolutely crucial:

 1. Accelerating the Pace of Discovery

Compared to other neurodegenerative diseases, ALS research is underfunded. ALS affects fewer people than conditions like Alzheimer's or Parkinson’s, making it harder to secure government and private funding. Yet, the scientific challenges posed by ALS are no less significant. The lack of funding means that research that could lead to breakthroughs is often delayed or never pursued. More funding would allow scientists to run more studies in parallel, explore new avenues, and quickly pivot when certain hypotheses show promise.

 2. Fast-Tracking Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are essential for developing and testing new drugs, therapies, and treatments. However, these trials are expensive and time-consuming, and only a limited number of ALS patients get the chance to participate. With increased funding, more clinical trials could be conducted, allowing patients to try new therapies that could slow or stop the disease’s progression. We can’t afford to wait—patients don’t have time on their side.

 3. Funding Cutting-Edge Technologies

Recent genetic and molecular biology advances have opened new doors in ALS research. Techniques like CRISPR gene editing, stem cell therapy, and RNA-targeted treatments have shown tremendous potential. However, these innovative technologies require significant financial investment. The more funding we provide, the more likely researchers are to make discoveries that could revolutionize how ALS is treated.

 4. Filling the Knowledge Gap

ALS is still a mystery in many ways. For 90% of ALS cases, there is no clear genetic link, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Research funding helps uncover the biological and environmental factors that contribute to ALS, which is essential for developing preventive strategies and targeted treatments. Without this knowledge, we are fighting blindly against a formidable enemy.

 5. Supporting Patients and Families

Beyond research, ALS funding helps provide essential services for patients and their families. From specialized equipment like communication devices and mobility aids to in-home care and support groups, the costs of living with ALS are astronomical. It costs over $250,000 EVERY year to care for someone living with ALS. Most of those costs are out of pocket because insurance typically does not cover caregiver expenses. More funding means more support for these families, helping them manage the overwhelming emotional, physical, and financial burden of this disease.


 The Ripple Effect of ALS Research

The research from ALS studies doesn’t just impact those living with the disease—it has broader implications for other neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The insights gained from ALS research contribute to our understanding of the nervous system as a whole and may lead to treatments that benefit millions of people worldwide.


 How You Can Help

The fight against ALS cannot be won without the collective effort of individuals, organizations, and governments. Here’s how you can make a difference:

- Donate to ALS: Every dollar counts. Your contribution could fund the next groundbreaking study or help a family afford to care for their loved one.

- Raise Awareness: Share information about ALS with your network. The more people know about the urgent need for funding, the more we can rally support.

- Advocate for Increased Government Funding: Join the voices calling for more significant investment in ALS research from national health organizations and governments.

- Participate in Fundraisers: Walks, rides, and challenges that raise money for ALS are critical to keeping research moving forward. By participating, you’re helping fund the future.


 Conclusion: Time Is of the Essence

ALS is an urgent, life-threatening disease. Every day, another person receives a diagnosis, and every day, more lives are cut short. It may not save my life, but we cannot afford to wait any longer. We have the knowledge, the scientists, and the tools to make significant progress—but we need the funding to match the enormity of the task. With your help, we can accelerate research, provide better care, and, most importantly, bring hope to those living with ALS.

Together, we can push forward toward a future where ALS is no longer a death sentence but a treatable—and curable—condition. Let's make it happen, one donation at a time.

If you would like to donate to ALS research, please click on this link:


If you would prefer to give to ALS families, please click on this link:

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The Urgent Need for More ALS Funding: Why Every Dollar Counts

I ask many of you to contribute to many of my ALS causes, whether helping ALS families through the Kerry and Gary Challenge or donating to A...